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IDEA: Mechanic that increase/lowers the damage output of a monster/player
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Posted 116 Months Ago
Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 16

I've got an idea, which has been bugging me for awhile now. This idea was spawned, when I realized how generic and unexciting a dungeon actually was. I thought and thought, until I came up with the idea that, you could implement a mechanic that, when a monster's health is down by a specific percent, that the monster deals less damage.

I think that this system, to some extent, could be applied to players as well, by making it in reverse. I've noticed that tanks seemed to win a lot more battles, than for example, Rogues, because the tanks had a health advantage. By giving players the opportunity to deal more damage, when they've lost a certain amount of health. This could turn the tides of a battle quite significantly.

These two mechanics can be quite a hassle to implement, but I think that they can up the value of a dungeon and/or battle, by quite a bunch.

Best regards, Jamie.
Posted 116 Months Ago
Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 16
Oh yea, I did not mean to insult the dungeon design at all. I just felt like the dungeons were few and not that exciting. It's just 'press A and occasionally press a number, before attacking', which isn't as much fun...
Posted 116 Months Ago
Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 43
Sounds like a rather good yet annoying idea... Let's implement it...
Posted 116 Months Ago
Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 87
Well, if we took a look at the meta, before dual wielding was introduced, most people built body heart and were primarily tanks and won due to their health and detrimental hits. The dual wielding has shifted the meta from that into just body, rush and heart with dual wielding daggers because EcronFura has yet to balance out the damage. I was told and I'm sure as most of you know, the daggers are insanely OP right now, and instead of the 2 daggers having their statistics added together, it'll be negated down to 60-75%.

I think this would be a cool mechanic in theory and I don't mean to sound like a cliche speaker however how would scaling for different healths work? If a rogue had only 150 health compared to a tank, 250 health, the rogue is gonna have less health quicker and therefore already going to be dealing less damage right off the bat so instead of mitigating the meta on tanks this idea will emphasize tanks and heart builds.
Posted 116 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 433
I've thought about it before, but it doesn't cure the boringness of battles. I have to add variety of monsters, spells, and tactics to make people have to actually think of their plan of attack before executing it.

That's the whole point of the big battle patch. (Grids for movement and strategy, different weapon types, elements, etc)
Posted 116 Months Ago
Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 55
Since the patch with the grids, There has been real strategy in BT. I feel the new challenges in battles! Like when i switch from the frontlines to the backline I still get focused!! Really cool mechanics here guys!
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