A Battletale based on tactic
Posted 137 Months Ago
Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 17
Ok, so as most of you must know, this game is mostly built on odds. You can easily finish a cave if you are lucky or die pretty quicly if you fail to attack the ennemy (miss, dodge, blocked) and if you et too much packs of 3 monsters.Posts: 17
Here's an idea I had to make the game more based on tactic (Its only an idea)
Look at this :
So my idea is simple. In most games, there are tanks, squishy more powerful players, supports, etc. What would be nice is to be able to position ourselves in the caves. The line #3, closer to the enemy, would have LOTS of chances to be attacked by the monsters. Those players would be the tankiest players of the team. The line #2 would be anyone who can deal a good amount of damage but has still a lots of resistance. Line #1 would be the really squishy players, but who can deal a pretty big amount of damage, like an archer or a mage.
Everyone could be on the same line, making everyone have the same chances to be attacked by the monsters.
It is only an idea. Give me some feedbacks.
Posted 137 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 433
That's a pretty interesting idea, the whole line based battling, but unfortunately at this time the game's progressed too far in to switch up the metagame. Also, I've finally locked in that this is going to be kid friendly, a large part why the EXP curve is getting reduced drastically. That battle system is a bit too complex for the targeted age group.Posts: 433
I fully intend to make it where tanks can actively save their team members and classes can utilize their respective roles.
Posted 137 Months Ago
Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 120
Fucking bagget the fagget stole my idea for creating a tank gggg scammed the scammer =[Posts: 120
Posted 137 Months Ago
Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 87
@ArunPosts: 87
If you want it to be targeted towards children you're gonna have to filter a lot.. or all the words that everyone says currently. Or you'll need a Chat Mod, ahah. RIP cussing and racism towards the BRs